Reward yourself for Embracing Tough Love!

Who says you can’t reward yourself for losing weight by eating cookies?

Another Tola Talks discussing Step 4 – Embrace Tough Love from my new book, How to Drink from the Fountain of Youth. We also talk about what it means to be held accountable for your actions and to be resilient and determined and strong – with all your commitments. Plus there’s a Happy Anniversary shout-out to my parents for their 60 years of marriage…and for teaching me how to “respectfully” stay young forever!!

Thanks for tuning in everyone, now get your workout in! Peace – R

GYST #30: Be a Badass Everyday

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Want to empower yourself by being a Badass every single day? Then check-out my 50 Rules of Badassery and add more positivity into your life. This is also the final episode of my Get Your S#!T Together podcast, so thanks for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Peace – R

Perfect example of bad role models

I read in the LA Times this morning about two parents in Michigan who beat up a 73-year old school crossing guard who tried to break up a fight between their 6-year old son and another boy.  This after bringing their son to school to beat up the other boy after the two kids got into a fight last week.  I would call that a perfect example of bad role models. How about leading by example and treating everyone with respect – starting with yourself.  Interestingly, I would bet that neither of these attacking parents partakes in anything physical fitness at all.  Just a hunch, but it seems like a lot of pent up anger and negative energy.  So for these accused attackers – and anyone else who’s looking to open their heart and release some aggression via a daily fitness program – check out my 5 minute fat burning workout #41, Standing Heart Openers.  Then lead by example!  R

No judgment

In my opinion, this is the most important lifestyle and yoga principle that everyone should embrace.  And I truly dislike that word should because it implies that one is projecting their personal standards and opinions upon another.  But in this case it applies.  Because whether or not you did or didn’t do something, like shirking a responsibility, or not working out, or partying too much, or being mean to your parents or your dog, well, forget about it and don’t judge yourself for doing it.  It’s in the past and every new moment gives you a new beginning.  No reason to waste energy, effort and feelings on something you can’t change.  Especially when it comes to other people.  Because for sure we can’t change what others do or say.  And why should we or even want to?  That’s what makes life interesting.  The uniqueness of people we meet who impact our lives and help us evolve in whatever subtle or major way.  All this coming from a guy who was once the life of the party who also judged.  Believe me, anyone can change at any given moment, if you really want to.  Or like my father used to say to me in baseball, “you gotta wanna bunt”.  So let go of any judgment you may have for anything you did today or this holiday season.  And I’ll see you tomorrow.  R