Here are 10 great reasons to ditch that Storm Cloud disposition and wipe that frown off your face so you can spread the Power of Positive Feelings with a great big SMILE
How to Live with the Aches & Pains
So you’re getting older and your body’s experiencing aches and pains that you never had before, constantly reminding you that youth is fleeting. And to add insult to injury (no pun intended), you can’t even stand-up straight in the morning when you first step out of bed.
Welcome to the club.
Because when it comes to having “issues” with your body parts, I’m the King of Pain. That’s right, I may preach about the benefits of Fitness & Yoga and looking 20 years younger, but I need two hands to count the problem areas in my body: neck, back, shoulder, wrist, forearm, knee, and even my big toe. But do they stop me from walking 1.5 miles to gym every morning (and back), or exercising every single day regardless of my aches and pains. No chance.

And whatever you do, never internalize these aches and pains by complaining about them or feeling sorry for yourself because that only makes them worse. Just put on that suit of armor everyday and power through them – like a Peaceful Warrior – and know that you’re doing everything you can to thwart Father Time and achieve my foolproof mantra…a Strong Body-Clear Mind. And if that doesn’t work, get your inspiration from someone else in the world who has the courage to power through life and smile in the face of adversity. Just like the paraplegic gal did in my fondest and most enlightening Yoga teaching experience when “She took the entire class with perfect posture and a smile so big it could light up Fifth Avenue” (listen below).
Enjoy – R