Tola Talks WTF Wednesday so check-out these 5 stories about people who really need to Get Their S**t Together. Plus, celebrity shout-outs to Sarah Jessica Parker (for turning 50) and Bradley Cooper (for his directorial debut in “A Star Is Born” with hopefully Beyonce).
Check-out Movie Monday’s review of the new Shailene Woodley & Theo James film, Insurgent. Plus, a celebrity shout-out to LeBron James and a cool cop story about a good samaritan police officer helping out a 10k runner in Louisville. Weekdays on
Tola Talks kudos to Michael Jordan for making the Forbes World’s Richest Billionaires list for the first time and IHOP for free pancakes on National Pancake Day. Plus exploding iPhones, Jon Stewart kicking the “cojones” out of WWE’s Seth Rollins, and the Top 10 Family Charity Ideas.
Tola Talks with the sexy and talented singer/songwriter, Poison Ivory. On a special HalloweenAcoustic Friday, theGrunge-Soul artist plays a track from her new EP, The Filth. Rich also talks about Michelangelo & his Sistine Chapel masterpiece The Last Judgment, successful manhunts & cop killer Eric Frein, LeBron James & his Nike tribute to the city of Cleveland, The Dow Jones & stock indices giving investors a real treat, the history & significance of All Hallows Eve, and the GYST Award for the Texas woman who tried to orally “pleasure” her husband’s best friend (unbeknownst to him). Weekdays on
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwrter, Poison Ivory