Enjoy the simple things

What if you couldn’t tie your shoelaces or put your daughter’s hair in a braid?  This past weekend a 26 year old woman was given a hand transplant during a successful 14 hour operation at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center – the first such transplant in the state of California.  To be whole again.  And to enjoy the simple things like braiding her daughter’s hair were the young woman’s wishes.  Good news followed the operation – she’s already moving her fingers as the donor’s hand “matched beyond expectation”. Although a hand transplant comes with lifelong risks, lead surgeon Dr. Azari said, “The reasonable expectation is she will get sensation back and she will use her hand.  So far it looks spot on”.  Let’s radiate positive energy for our young woman, and let’s all enjoy the simple things in life.  Including our daily 5 minute fat burning workout.  Here’s #13.  R

Combine your efforts

What’s the best way to burn fat and trim your waistline?  If you said doing 1,000 abdominal crunches, well, you’re wrong.  The answer is a bit more complex:  it takes a combination of efforts that include a positive mindset, a healthy diet and a plethora of fitness activities including anything cardiovascular, weightlifting, yoga, and of course abdominal workouts.  It certainly helps to do something core & ab related everyday – as you’re well aware of my zealous approach to a daily fitness program.  So if you haven’t already tried one of my 5 minute fat burning workouts, check out Workout #7 – Sculpt those Abs – then keep it going with a vigorous walk, swim, bike, jog or run.  Be well – R

Healthy lifestyle

Rich's Healthy Lunch

I forgot to mention the bonus part of my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts:  my succinct intros and outros reinforcing the concept of positive thoughts, speech and feelings with the forever mindset of making good choices and embracing a healthy lifestyle.  Like my lunch today.  Check it out – I made it myself.  Just like having a well-balanced diet of exercise, the same applies to what you consume on a daily basis.  So always take that positive attitude out into the world and don’t forget to get your workout in.  R Salad Ingredients:  European salad mix, bean sprouts, cut & peeled baby carrots, fresh tomato, fresh ginger, one can albacore tuna in water, topped with Sriracha hot chili sauce (my fav!).  Plus a non-alcoholic beer and cup of dried cranberries.

Get “Zen in ’10”

Tuesday's Fat Burning Workout

I recently read the average American gains 10-15 pounds during the holiday months.  As crazy as that sounds, people who gain weight around the holidays seem to rationalize it with a New Year’s resolution to lose the weight well before those bikini months.  But why not get “Zen in 10” and start now, two weeks ahead of time, by consciously choosing to eat and drink healthier and beginning a new daily fitness program today – one you can do from the comforts of your own home?  Especially anyone living in the Midwest and on the East Coast – I certainly feel for you! So stop futurizing, as I often say, and keep your thoughts and intentions in the present.  It’s much simpler that way, plus you won’t feel the pressure to perform in the future because of what you did to yourself today.  And when I say get Zen it’s about finding your own personal enlightenment through your thoughts and actions – today.  Not tomorrow because who knows what that will bring.  I should know.  I spent my 20s and 30s futurizing about a life that’s completely different than the one I enjoy today.  So forget about getting back to your workouts and losing that weight in January.  Respect yourself.  And I’ll see you today (and tomorrow) – R