Tola Talks Acoustic Fridays & Movie Soundtracks

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Tola Talks baseball and Derek Jeter’s last home game plus backpacking the world with Johanna “Jo” Mantilla.  On Acoustic Fridays, Rich plays his original Harmonica track and the theme song from Boulevard Zen. Watch weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Co-Host, Johanna "Jo" Matilla
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with guest co-host, Johanna “Jo” Matilla

Hometown – Book Signing – Sunday, July 29th

Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood

Hope you can make my hometown book signing at John’s Reading Center in Mercerville, NJ, 08619 on Sunday, July 29th from 9:30a – 1:30p, located at 372 Rte 33 in the Mercerville Shopping Center.

And for all you George Washington and American Revolutionary War fans (like me), here’s a short video I made at the historic Princeton Battlefield State Park, one of my favorite New Jersey locales!

Enjoy – R

The Perfect Climb – KoKo Head

KoKo Head Crater
You remember the 2000 dramatic diaster film, The Perfect Storm, about the crew of the Andrea Gail starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. Well, this may have nothing to do with the most challenging of seas, but for sure the 1,208 foot climb up KoKo Head Crater on the southeastern shore of Oahu is ‘The Perfect Climb’.
KoKo Head Looking Up
And for someone who once ran up and down Runyon Canyon in Hollywood (counter clockwise) in less than 15 minutes, the trek up KoKo Head trumps all. This was my first time and I must say, it’s quite a bear! On the way up I was following this twenty-something gal who said she does it four times a week. The wonder why she made it to the top without stopping.
KoKo Head Looking Down
Something I can honestly say I did not – I rested once about 100 yards from the peak. Of course I was pushing hard from the beginning, and with giant railroad ties as steps about three feet apart and three feet vertical, it’s quite the challenge just to keep moving forward. So if you come to Oahu and want to experience The Perfect Climb, check out KoKo Head and don’t forget to wear climbing shoes and bring your water bottle.
KoKo Head at the Peak
And if the climb up isn’t enough of a challenge, coming down is even harder. The good news is once you reach the crater’s peak, the view is incredible! Much like the view from the top of Diamond Head, there’s 360 degrees of beauty. So get inspired with a bird’s eye view from the top, and don’t forget to get your workout in! Enjoy – R

Who can forget “the Nineties”?

Now who can forget the end of Modernity and the start of the current Postmodern Age? And what do you remember most?  Is it the World Wide Web and the Internet Boom, MP3s and mobile phones, Amazon and eBay, AOL and Yahoo, the iMac and Windows 95, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, Apartheid and Nelson Mandela, Great Britain handing Hong Kong over to China, Hurricane Andrew and the Northridge earthquake, Boris Yeltsin and the old Soviet Union, the surging Dow Jones and proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, the Dodge Ram and the Saturn, Dolly the cloned sheep and the Hubble Space Telescope, Generation Y and the Spice Girls, Tattoos and body piercings, Princess Diana and Mother Theresa, OJ Simpson and Colombine High School, assisted suicide and Jack Kervorkian, the Gulf War and Rwandan Genocide, the blockbusters Dances with WolvesTitanic, Pulp Fiction, The Silence of the Lambs, Forrest Gump, Pretty Woman, Ghost, and Home Alone, the lovable Friends and ER – and don’t forget George Clooney, Beverly Hills 90210Beavis and Butthead and The Simpsons, the passing of Freddie Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Selena, Tupac Shakur, and The Notorious B.I.G., punk rock and the rave movement, Resident Evil and Laura Croft, Nirvana and Britney Spears, the Major League Baseball strike, Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong and Hulk Hogan, Jennifer Aniston’s haircut and the resurgence of the Wonder Bra, and of course, Y2K.  It was also a decade of fitness fun with Taebo, Boot Camps and the Soloflex.  And no worries if you can’t remember the 1990’s and lost all your Soloflex bands, because there’s no equipment necessary with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts.  So enjoy strengthening your upper body with today 90th consecutive daily workout – Shoulders & Arms.  RIP 1990’s – R

Is luck finding you?

Thomas Jefferson, author of The Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States, once said, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” Similar to General George Washington’s belief ‘if we’re always doing’ (see blog from April 6th), luck has a way of finding us if we’re working hard at something. Like fitness.  If you workout everyday and begin to experience A) more energy, B) increased self-esteem, C) a more positive attitude toward yourself and others, or D) a healthy glow in your face, are you just lucky or is luck finding you?  Of course luck is finding you because you’re “doing”, and in the “doing” comes results.  It’s not luck.  It’s your hard work getting rewarded with the benefits of a daily fitness routine.  So keep it going with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #46 – Killer Squats – and let luck find you!

…if we’re always doing

One of my idols growing up was Revolutionary War hero and first president of the United States, General George Washington.  Washington once said, “It’s wonderful what we can do if we’re always doing”.  Words that hold true no matter what the circumstance. Because in the “doing” comes results.  Like physical fitness.  If you want to achieve results like burning fat while positively affecting your mental and physical well-being, then focus on the “doing”.  And enjoy today’s 5 minute fat burning workout #42 – Warrior Lunge. Because it truly feels wonderful to see the benefits of a daily fitness program! My best – R