Never Live in Fear – Ep 20 – Tola Talks Texas

Today is all about doing whatever it takes to never live in fear. Because during the past two years of this COVID pandemic, the powers to be have done their best to control you by instilling fear in your mind, body and spirit. No doubt fear controls – so never let it happen. In our last Tola Talks Texas, at least for now while I travel and spend time with family, I do my best to communicate why we need to get rid of the divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Plus kudos to Bill Maher for his recent monologue about not wanting to live in a masked, paranoid world and never being scared of COVID, but rather the reaction to it. Not to mention this particular comment that I totally agree: So, the fact that America, the medical establishment never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me. Right on Bill, because everyone needs to get with the program and Drink from the Fountain of Youth, like I do. And no matter what, stay strong, stay positive, stay true to your dreams…and get your workout in.

Peace – R

Tola Talks the Finale (for now), Louis C.K. & Black Sails

After 150 shows, Tola Talks is sailing off into the sunset just like the cast of the Starz original, Black Sails. Well, not exactly, but check-out our finale (for now), plus a few quick stories about Louis C.K., the new Ford Lincoln Continental, Americans making, saving and spending less, and the new host of Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, South African stand-up comedian, Trevor Noah.

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Tola Talks w/ Hollywood Casting Directors Mockrin & Walters

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Tola Talks about our final show on LATalkRadio before moving to

On this special Farewell Friday, Rich interviews Hollywood Casting Directors Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters, and talks about Russian President Vladimir Putin, former New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio & Dallas Cowboy Troy Aikman, Bjork & Carley Jepsen, Goldie Hawn & the late (and great) Harold Ramis, plus Tweety Bird and all things Hollywood, including the Get Your S#!T Together Award given to sitcom star and comedian, Bill Cosby (for obvious reasons).

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters of Hollywood's Mockrin/Walters Casting
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters of Hollywood’s Mockrin/Walters Casting

GYST #30: Be a Badass Everyday

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Want to empower yourself by being a Badass every single day? Then check-out my 50 Rules of Badassery and add more positivity into your life. This is also the final episode of my Get Your S#!T Together podcast, so thanks for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Peace – R

100 Workouts in 100 Days

When you read this you might think, what’s so special about exercising 5 minutes a day, everyday, for 100 straight days?  I mean, you walk around and climb stairs everyday at work and home, and even work-up a sweat doing the household chores like scrubbing the bath tub.  But are you really embracing a daily fitness program?  One that’s effective, simple and attainable, and most importantly, one that becomes an integral part of your subconscious. Because moving the body around isn’t the same as exercising the body. With exercise there’s a purpose and a goal.  And if you exercise daily, you will see results. You’ll not only benefit from having more strength and flexibility, increased bone mass, better posture, better circulation, and better breathing, but also from the mental clarity and strength you’ll get from succeeding everyday at something quite challenging. All it takes is the belief and the courage to try.  So believe and achieve with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #100-Bridge Pose II. It’s also the finale of this fat burning series, with details coming soon about my Burn Fat America Tour.  Thanks for tuning in!  – R