Tola Talks with Actress/Producer, Troy Titus-Adams

Good things come in threes, so this week Tola Talks is all about celebrating three very special 10 year anniversaries.

The first, a decade of friendship with my lovely co-host, Actress/Producer Troy Titus-Adams. Second, it’s our 10th show since returning to LA Talk Radio – the second time around. And third, it’s my 10 year anniversary of sobriety. That’s right, an amazing decade of hangover-free mornings…not to mention more than $50,000 worth of savings!

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There’s also some sober talk about going the mile, i.e., adding an extra 10% to your exercise regime, allowing transgender individuals in the military, plus one of my favorite leadership books by best selling author Dr. John C. Maxwell, Talent is Never Enough.

Have an awesome week everyone, and remember to get your workout in!

Peace – R

Re-think and dispel

The other day in the gym I read this as it flashed across the TV screen and quietly disagreed:  Never judge those who tried and failed;  judge those who failed to try.  I get the first part, because how can you judge someone for trying, right?  But what’s this about judging those for failing to try?  Because if you fail to try, that’s your personal decision. Not one that should be judged.  On the other hand, if you fail to try, maybe there’s a specific reason for it – a reason that can be re-thought and dispelled.  Whatever it is. Especially if it involves fitness.  Because if your reason for not exercising on a daily basis is not very compelling, i.e., not enough time or money, consider getting started today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #56 – Blast Your Abs II.  Because who doesn’t want to improve their posture and breathing in only 5 minutes a day!  Enjoy – R

Kanye West leads the way

I read an article in the LA Times this morning about rap star Kanye West’s closing Sunday night set at Coachella (the 3-day annual Music & Arts Festival in Indio, CA). Kanye ended his “epic and unforgettable” set standing alone. Much like the way he started.  Which got me thinking about how working out everyday is just like Kanye standing there alone.  Yes, you can workout with your friends or take a group class, but you’re still doing it alone.  Which, at times, feels like a very lonely journey.  That’s why incorporating bite-size workouts is the key to success. Workouts that are simple and effective.  Just like Kanye flying solo without all the bells and whistles of a spectacle behind him, you can fly solo with my anytime-anywhere 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts.  So enjoy tightening your abdominals & core with today’s Workout #55! – R