Winner – 2019 Global Shorts Festival

Thanks to our amazing cast and crews, we won our first two film awards at the 2019 Global Shorts Festival: Winner, Honorable Mention Zen Diaries: The Lockdown, and Winner, Special MentionSkateboard Bandits.

ZEN DIARIES: THE LOCKDOWN – now on YouTube & Vimeo (20min Dramedy)

SKATEBOARD BANDITS – on YouTube & Vimeo (12min Drama)

We look forward to completing the trifecta with a very steamy love story, ALL MIXED UP…when doing the wrong thing, is the right thing to do. January 2010!

Keep living your dream everyone, and get your workout in! Peace – R

“Skate like a bat outta hell”

Hey everyone, we just released Skateboard Bandits on YouTube and Vimeo.

It’s a 12 minute character-driven thriller about a band of skateboarders who conspire to take revenge into their own hands – the second time around – and risk life and limb to rob a bank. We filmed all 18 scenes in one day, throughout the streets of LA.

Looking forward to releasing my next short narrative, Zen Diaries: The Lockdown, coming this November.

Peace – R

GYST #30: Be a Badass Everyday

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Want to empower yourself by being a Badass every single day? Then check-out my 50 Rules of Badassery and add more positivity into your life. This is also the final episode of my Get Your S#!T Together podcast, so thanks for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Peace – R