Tola Talks with DJ Rebekka Starr and MC Freddy Figs

We’re talking all things Movies & Music today with my special guests, DJ Rebekka Starr and MC Freddy Figs. Starting with their favorite genre of Hip-Hop, we discuss the history of music from the early 1970’s to today’s wildly popular Electronica (EDM) and the Top 10 DJs that rule the raves.

On a beautiful sunny day in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Tola also Talks about movies that spotlight “The Valley” including We Are Your Friends (Zac Efron) and Elektra Luxx (Carla Gugino), plus what this infamous basin is really know for: strip malls, sushi restaurants in strip malls, and of course, porn stars. We also pay tribute to the King of Hip-Hop, Eminem, and the late Adult Film Actress, August Ames, an unfortunate victim of cyberbullying. Thanks for tuning-in everyone! Peace – R

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Tola Talks Howard Stern, Private Parts & Fitness Friday

Tola Talks about Howard Stern & his biographical comedy, Private Parts, the Obama Administration looking to legalize pot, Pope Francis believing that dogs go to heaven, and the 4 main reasons why December is a great month to get hired. On Fitness Friday, Rich also demonstrates an awesome 2 minute Core & Abs workout, plus shares a mini-compilation of Cooper Phillip videos he took of her performing at the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood. Check-out the 21 year-old singer/songwriter’s interview and Acoustic songs on our October 17th show.

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