Tola Talks w/ Motivational Speaker & Attorney Paul Finizio

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Tola Talks about daring descents in outer space to land on a comet speeding at 35,000 MPH, baby elephants in Zambia surviving a 14-lion attack, RIP tributes to Mrs. Wolowitz (Carol Ann Susi) of The Big Bang Theory and Big Bank Hank (Henry Jackson) of the Sugar Hill Gang, billionaire booty calls for Kim Kardashian West, and Happy 30th Anniversary to the Queen of Pop, Madonna, for her Live a Virgin album of 1984. On Whatever Wednesdays, Rich also talks with attorney and motivational speaker, Paul Finizio about “Evolving and not Revolving” plus the importance of family as well as preserving and promoting Italian culture to kids in Florida.

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Tola Talks Movie Mondays & McConaughey’s Interstellar

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Tola Talks about Pizza Hut rebooting itself for a new generation of pizza eaters, cyber-hackers targeting the US Postal Service, comet chasing space craft aiming for a first-ever touchdown, fearless Frenchmen setting world records on a bicycle, and the three best 30 minute treks in Los Angeles. On Movie Mondays, Rich also reviews the Matthew McConaughey apocalyptic space thriller, Interstellar, plus gives the Get Your SH!T Together Award to a bovine rustler who purchased a 150 pound calf at a gas station in Southern California. 

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Movie Mondays Interstellar

Tola Talks Movie Mondays & Brad Pitt’s Fury

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Tola Talks breaking NFL records & Payton Manning, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton’s impeachment, nearly extinct Northern White Rhinos & greedy humans, Comets missing Mars & the Hubble Space Telescope, plus the GYST Award and how to stay motivated to workout. On Movie Mondays, Rich and guest co-host Troy Titus-Adams review Brad Pitt‘s World World II Sherman Tank drama, Fury. Weekdays on

The past two weeks of Movie Mondays on Tola Talks - The Judge & Fury
The past two weeks of Movie Mondays on Tola Talks – The Judge & Fury