Happy Labor Day everyone! Today my Cookies and Ice Cream friend and I can splurge. But I caution everyone like us who’s celebrating today to go easy on the splurge, because no sense in undoing all the good work you did over the past week or so. And don’t forget to get your workout in with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #89 – Chair Legs -R
I believe in you Ladies!
This goes out to all the Ladies living at the domestic violence shelter in San Diego where I taught a 2-hour yoga & lifestyle class last night. Because after teaching a 75 minute yoga class followed by a 45 discussion about embracing a positive mindset, a healthy diet, and most importantly, a daily fitness routine, I truly believe in each and every one of them. I know you’re reading this Ladies, so don’t forget to do your Peaceful Warriors, Temple Poses, Side Body Abs and Stretching, Chair Poses up against the Wall, and of course our favorite, Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall. Today and every day this week until I come back again next Thursday to “kick it up a notch”. Always remember to stay present with your thinking and live positively and happily, moment to moment. Because whether or not your past experiences have been negative or abusive, you never have to carry that energy with you. Let it go. And if it begins to creep into your mind and body, go outside and do some yoga and my fat burning workouts, or better yet, work on some balancing with that meditative breath I taught you – and remember to pick that point of focus and use all distractions to help you focus more. So respect yourself each and every day, especially during this long holiday weekend, and enjoy sculpting your thighs and butt today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #96 – Killer Squats II. Namaste – R
Fitness + Family = Fun
Yesterday I taught a one-hour fat burning class at a domestic violence shelter in San Diego on behalf of my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation. I was excited to teach about ten children (ages 3 – 12), with a few ever-so shy moms and grandmothers too. It was certainly a family affair, with the kids leading the charge! Since I don’t have any children of my own – at least not yet – I’m always fascinated by the pure joy kids find in the simplest of activities. And with their moms and grand-moms joining in, they had FUN, regardless of how challenging it was. Simply put, Fitness + Family = Fun. So gather your entire family today and enjoy strengthening your legs, and your family bond, with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #85 – Chair Twists (the exact same exercises we practiced at the shelter). And have fun! – R
No excuses with Lounge Chair Abs
So you’re going on vacation and you won’t have time to workout, right? Wrong. Because with today’s 84th consecutive 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout – Lounge Chair Abs, all you need to do to is chill out poolside on a lounge chair. That’s right. Because no matter where you go, there’s always time for a 5 minute workout. And for those of you who aren’t familiar with my 5 minute yoga lessons (in my Yoga Survival Guide), there isn’t a place on earth where you can’t workout or strengthen your yoga practice. So if you’re not a sun worshiper and rarely find yourself on a lounge chair, check out Shower Yoga, Bus Stop Yoga, Baking Yoga, Office Yoga, Weight Room Yoga, Prison Yoga (for Lindsay Lohan), Park Yoga, Traffic Yoga (yes, while sitting in traffic), Beach Yoga, Rooftop Yoga, Zoo Yoga, and of course, Watching “The Ellen Show” Yoga. Because no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can ALWAYS add some fitness into your day. Enjoy – R
Triceps anyone?

Sometimes you just don’t have the time or just don’t feel like changing into workout clothes just to workout, right? Well who says you have to find time or wear something workout-ish? Do one thing for a couple of minutes and you’ll get your workout in – at least part of it. Like when you’re waiting for that email, or that phone call, or your girlfriend to get ready, or that client to show up. Check out me working triceps here on my favorite reading chair (dining room and office chairs are even better). Apply “yoga principles” as you plant your feet slightly apart with knees at right angles pressing together. Keep your chin parallel to the floor, your spine straight and dip slowly until your elbows reach right angles (no need to go further), pointing your elbows toward each other. Do not to jerk your head or neck. Note: always be sensitive to any tweaks or pains in your neck as well as your shoulders, elbows and wrists. Move with slow and deliberate movements. Nothing fancy and make sure the chair is properly weighted to support this exercise. Strengthen your arms and build stamina with these simple dips using whatever’s available to you. Do as many repetitions as you can per set, and as many sets as you can – with short breaks in between until you feel the burn and can’t do any more. It’ll happen quick. And always maintain good posture, close your mouth and breathe slowly and quietly like the sound of the ocean, and pick a point of focus to wipe your mind clear. Enjoy – R
Based on yoga principles

When I refer to exercises being based on yoga principles, I’m referring to the how you do the exercise as compared to what you do and how often you do it. In the gym this morning I overheard this twenty-something guy ask Mr. Adonis (check out my earlier blog “External Motivation”) what he should do for his biceps and how often he should do it. He also said he only read about it on the internet and found many different opinions. That’s correct. When it comes to asking any weightlifter or certified personal trainer their opinions about weightlifting, they all vary. Just like yoga teachers are like snowflakes – they’re all different – so are opinions of what you should do in the gym. But here’s something that I’ve brought into my workouts – and you can too – where you can’t go wrong: think yoga principles in everything you do. Like biceps. Take a look at my posture and balance in the left picture – much like my posture and balance in the right picture. In yoga terms that’s chair pose or Utkatasana (in Sanskrit). Make sure the energy is radiating straight down through the crown like a steel rod going all the way through your spine down to the middle of your heels planted firmly on the ground. Relax your toes and try not to swing or alter your posture when curling. And curl slowly and deliberately for a better burn. This way is more challenging than the usual swinging people do to get the dumbbells or bar up. It’s also much more focused and effective. And for specific lessons on bringing yoga principles into your everyday life – and the weight room – check out my Yoga Survival Guide. There’s expert instruction on 100 key yoga poses filmed throughout the streets of Hollywood, Venice Beach and the LA Zoo! There’s even Baking Yoga, Traffic Yoga and Prison Yoga – made especially for Lindsay Lohan. So think yoga principles and enjoy your workout – R