Remembering my Uncle Mickey

Every Memorial Day I remember my Uncle Mickey, aka, Dr. Cook.  Uncle Mickey served as a cook in the Army in WWII, thus the nickname, and he was exactly 55 years older than me as we shared the same birthday.  In my 20’s I got to know Uncle Mickey and respected his view of himself and the world.  Because he respected everyone and everything.  He was this charming bachelor who would tell folks he never married because he had to take care of his mother, he had a daily fitness routine he’d do in the spare room, and he wore a suit & tie every single day.  That’s right, every single day until he entered the nursing home when he was 90.  He was the ultimate citizen who respected what it meant to be an American.  Someone to admire for truly loving life.  And what I remember most about Uncle Mickey was our walks at the nursing home when his mind and body would barely cooperate.  He always kept his dignity and his positive attitude, and never felt sorry for himself.  So for everyone remembering loved ones today, enjoy!  And enjoy sculpting your thighs again with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #96 – Killer Squats II. – R

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

Anything’s possible

Anything's possible

Imagine peeling off a Post-It note and sticking it on your wardrobe mirror so you can watch the morning news while you’re getting dressed.  Or better yet, post it anywhere – at any time – and join me for 5 minutes of yoga or a 15 minute fat burning workout.  Because soon the U.S. Army will be field testing a so-called “Dick Tracy wristwatch” with a flexible plastic screen that won’t shatter or crack like glass.  That one day soon may result in moving images that are not limited to your PDA, television or computer screen.  Imagine that.  A wireless flexible display that can receive and transmit data anywhere.  And we thought space travel was impossible.  Simply put, anything’s possible.  Or at least anything you set your mind to.  Because why not change your belief that something isn’t possible and go for it.  At the very least, if you truly believe and manifest that something is possible, and set your sights beyond your previously perceived realm of possibility, then your new belief might just happen.  Like embracing a daily fitness program.  Because who doesn’t have 1% of their life to respect themselves?