Tola Talks w/ Hollywood Casting Directors Mockrin & Walters

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Tola Talks about our final show on LATalkRadio before moving to

On this special Farewell Friday, Rich interviews Hollywood Casting Directors Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters, and talks about Russian President Vladimir Putin, former New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio & Dallas Cowboy Troy Aikman, Bjork & Carley Jepsen, Goldie Hawn & the late (and great) Harold Ramis, plus Tweety Bird and all things Hollywood, including the Get Your S#!T Together Award given to sitcom star and comedian, Bill Cosby (for obvious reasons).

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters of Hollywood's Mockrin/Walters Casting
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters of Hollywood’s Mockrin/Walters Casting

Tola Talks Movie Mondays & Tribute to Derek Jeter

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Tola Talks leadership and baseball with a tribute to the great Yankee shortstop, Derek Jeter. On Movie Mondays, Rich also reviews A Walk Among the Tombstones with guest co-host, Troy Titus-Adams. Weekdays on

Tola Talks's Rich Tola and Movie Monday's guest do-host, actress Troy Titus-Adams.
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola and Movie Monday’s guest co-host, actress Troy Titus-Adams.

The Academy Award for Best Actress goes to…

Well my vote is in: hands down this year’s Oscar for Best Actress goes to…Michelle Williams in My Week With Marilyn. If I had to describe Michelle’s performance and her exquisite reincarnation of the beautiful and legendary Marilyn Monroe in two words, I’d say phenomenally awesome. Because she’s just that! And for someone who loves the “art of acting” and who sees almost every film out there – in the past two weeks alone I’ve watched MoneyBall (again), The Descendants, Mission Impossible, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (twice), Sherlock Holmes, Young Adult, We Bought A Zoo, War Horse, and My Week With Marilyn – she certainly gets my vote.

And if you’re wondering what else I’m doing in Hawaii besides admiring the best films and acting performances of the year, I’m almost finished with my book, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood. Which, by the way, has some pretty cool Cover Art that you’ll find quite fitting. So wherever you find yourself this holiday season, make sure to find time for the lovely and amazing Michelle Williams in a true-to-life story of Marilyn Monroe in My Week With Marilyn. You won’t regret it!

And what else you won’t regret is getting your daily workout in. Especially if your holiday diet calls for Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake or perhaps a little Tiramisu. But no worries, just take a quick break and slim down your waistline with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #82 – Easy Abs. Enjoy – R

Anything’s possible

Anything's possible

Imagine peeling off a Post-It note and sticking it on your wardrobe mirror so you can watch the morning news while you’re getting dressed.  Or better yet, post it anywhere – at any time – and join me for 5 minutes of yoga or a 15 minute fat burning workout.  Because soon the U.S. Army will be field testing a so-called “Dick Tracy wristwatch” with a flexible plastic screen that won’t shatter or crack like glass.  That one day soon may result in moving images that are not limited to your PDA, television or computer screen.  Imagine that.  A wireless flexible display that can receive and transmit data anywhere.  And we thought space travel was impossible.  Simply put, anything’s possible.  Or at least anything you set your mind to.  Because why not change your belief that something isn’t possible and go for it.  At the very least, if you truly believe and manifest that something is possible, and set your sights beyond your previously perceived realm of possibility, then your new belief might just happen.  Like embracing a daily fitness program.  Because who doesn’t have 1% of their life to respect themselves?