Summer’s Over Party!

Back in NYC circa the late 1990’s my cronies and I would begin every Labor Day weekend with a blow-out celebration called the Summer’s Over Party. A party it was, to officially celebrate the end of summer – which meant everyone on Wall Street and every other business would get their vacationed butts back in the office to start making money again.

The fact that our little Summer’s Over Party lasted the entire weekend as well as every subsequent weekend until Thanksgiving really didn’t matter (what can I say, we liked to party). Our real intent was to celebrate the beginning of something very good that was about to happen, or perhaps even exceptional.

So let’s get ready to celebrate the following happenings that are definitely very good and are no doubt worth celebrating:

  1. Serena Williams rockin’ the US Open at the ripe young age of 40 while drinking from the Fountain of Youth. And you can too, just read my book.
  2. Inflation is subsiding and the mild recession we’re already in will start to wane.
  3. The oppressive heat across the US and the world will subside. It has to because time goes quick and Winter’s fast approaching.
  4. COVID and/or the fear thereof will subside to the point where everyone on the planet – including those fear-mongering politicians – won’t really care or pass judgment on someone like me who isn’t vaccinated (which should have been the case from Day 1 of this controversial pandemic).
  5. Stocks and Cryptocurrencies will rebound in our investment portfolios before year’s end and we’ll all have a jolly good Christmas. And if you don’t yet have an investment portfolio, get started now…prices are cheap! Another prediction, albeit I’m a long term BULL so what can I say.
  6. Everyone on the planet will embrace my motto, Another Day – Another Workout, and get with a daily fitness program. Trust me, it’ll change your life and keep you drinking from the Fountain of Youth. Just like me and Serena. And if you could use some much needed inspiration, just read my book.

And finally here’s something I learned a long time ago that keeps rearing it’s paradoxical head: Never say Never. Like when it comes to Nomad Living. Let’s just say it’s time for me to head back east again – this time driving – to spend time with family plus add another dozen US cities to my noteworthy collection. What can I say…it’ll definitely be fun!

Happy Labor Day everyone…get your workout in and enjoy the party!

Peace – R

YogaStyles of Rich and the Almost Famous

Yoga…anyone, anytime, anywhere.

YogaStyles of Rich and the Almost Famous is where History meets Yoga throughout the streets of Chicago. Made in 2016 to highlight the benefits of yoga and the amazing historical sites and sounds of the Windy City, we visited more than 60 Chicago landmarks and tourist attractions and taught yoga to a bunch of courageous residents who’ve never tried yoga.

Special thanks to my amazing crew including Rhonda Carlson, Angie Lee Chastain, Aron Rosenthal, Alex Halstead and John Draughon, as well as The Namaste Five cast of yoga students Lauren Accardi, Vika Lvova, Amy Johnson, Laura Moschel and Monica Bright. And to all the ‘almost famous’ people we taught throughout the city and on the campus of Northwestern University, as well as StreetWise Magazine and Julie Youngquist, Comedian Kat Herskovic, prAna and the City of Chicago, you rock!

Thanks for watching everyone, and have an awesome day! Peace – R

Tola Talks Pilgrams, NYC & Thanksgiving Day Idiots

On a special Thanksgiving Day show and Throwback Thursday, Tola Talks about the first-ever festival in 1621 between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians that established the national holiday, plus the 87th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC. Rich also talks about two time Oscar-winner Kathryn Bigelow, NFL legend Gordie Howe, and RIP tributes to Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee and Margaret Thatcher, plus the number one animated film of all time, Frozen, and the GYST Award to 6 disrespectful idiots in NYC. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

All the best from Tola Talks


Tola Talks Infested Bodies, Bette Midler & Ariana Grande

Tola Talks about respect & class (Bette Midler vs. Ariana Grande), Natasha Bedingfield & Tina Turner, Ferguson & senseless deaths from protester violence, the 10 best shopping deals on Black Friday, plus football (soccer) great Leo Messi and the Get Your S#!T Award. On WTF Wednesday, Rich talks some WTF news including a man whose body got infested with worms after eating raw sushi in China. Weekdays on

Tola Talks w/ Author & Past Life Specialist Noreh Millar

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Tola Talks past life flashbacks, deadly viruses, sex clubs in NYC and the new detective-mystery novel, Detour on the Road Home. On Throwback Thursdays, Rich interviews Author Noreh Millar…who also takes us back to her version of 1942 and her latest detective-mystery novel, Detour on the Road Home. Watch weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Author and Past Life Specialist, Noreh Millar.
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Author and Past Life Specialist, Noreh Millar.

Simply Between Millions – Book Signing this Weekend

Did you know that the Williamsburg Bridge connecting lower Manhattan to the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn is 4 feet 6 inches longer than the Brooklyn Bridge? And was the longest suspension bridge of its time when it was completed in 1903 – and remained that way for almost 20 years!

If you’re intrigued by bridges or would like to expand your mind with some historical trivia, check out my latest book signing video filmed at the top of the Williamsburg Bridge.

Hope to see you Sunday! Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood