Today we’re talking fact vs. fiction when it comes to inaccurate claims about children being hospitalized for COVID (3,500 actual vs. 100,000) plus total US deaths and comorbidity, including highlights of the Fox News interview with Bret Baier and CDC director Rochelle Walensky; the negative affects of 5,000 schools still being closed for in-person learning; kudos to Marc Cuban for his clarity on Dogecoin vs. Bitcoin as an inflation hedge and better than a lottery ticket; plus a breakdown of soaring obesity rates throughout the US (up 26% since 2008) to an all time high of 42.4%.
Tola Talks with Children’s Book Author, Erin Mason
Congratulations to author, psychotherapist, yoga teacher and my dear friend, Erin Mason, for publishing a tender and heartwarming story, Growing Grace, about adoption from the biological mother’s perspective.
Tola also Talks about America’s obesity epidemic and how it affects 36% of all adults and nearly 20% of all children and adolescents, and more specifically, how I would financially reward everyone for being fit…If I Were President. Not to mention fitness tips for losing that unwanted weight.
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Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. And have an awesome day! Peace – R
Tola Talks Road Rage, Unhealthy Lunches & Selena Gomez
Tola Talks WTF Wednesday stories around the world where everyone wins the Get Your S#!T Together Award…including the US for giving our school kids the unhealthiest lunches on the planet (close to it). Plus a shout-out to Selena Gomez for going topless in V Magazine.
Weekdays on Social: @richtola
Tola Talks Crazy Rockers, Fitness Tips & JLaw Nude Again
Tola Talks about what everybody already knows: when it comes to fitness (or anything else for that matter), TIME = SUCCESS. It’s Fitness Friday so check-out what Rich had to say to 100 elementary school students he visited for Career Day. Plus Jennifer Lawrence gets cozy (and nude) with a snake. Weekdays on
Tola Talks Katy Perry, Shoplifters & Careful What You Say
Tola Talks about Katy Perry & the Super Bowl, Katherine the great white shark & stupid shoplifters, plus it’s Fitness Friday so check-out the 5 things you NEVER say to someone who has gained weight. Because no matter what, anything you say, you’re going to offend someone!
Weekdays on
Tola Talks w/ 99 Cent Store Brand Ambassador Papa Joe
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Tola Talks weight loss, GYST Award for an Olympic Champion and the USA Today. On Wellness Wednesdays, Rich interviews the Brand Ambassador for the 99 Cent Store – and 250 pound loser – Papa Joe Aviance. Weekdays on

Help is on the way!
“Holy expanding waistline Batman, America just keeps getting fatter”. Now if you’re a fan of the infamous Caped Crusader and read this morning’s newspaper, this is definitely something Robin would say. Because in today’s Los Angeles Times, a new report on our nation’s weight crisis – as prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America Health – says “16 states are experiencing steep increases in adult obesity, and none has seen a downturn in the last four years”. So what’s up with that? With an obese population of 19.8%, Colorado is the ONLY state with an adult obesity rate below 20%. Furthermore, “adult obesity rates have doubled or nearly doubled in 17 states. Two decades ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 15%. Now all states do.” But no worries folks…help is on the way! Soon my team will embark upon my FAT BURN AMERICA TOUR, visiting every state in America, 100 cities in 100 days, filming my fat burning workouts to promote daily fitness & yoga, and to raise much needed funds for my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation. As you know, we teach yoga to women and children living in domestic violence shelters. And since the report also states that “obesity remains a condition disproportionately affecting those with poor education and income, and closely tied to minority status”, it’s all the more reason to bring my FREE Fat Burning Workouts to the public. Our goal: to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, INSPIRE and ENTERTAIN. So get ready and get set with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #94 – Leg Stretches. Enjoy and we’ll see you soon! – R
I believe in you Ladies!
This goes out to all the Ladies living at the domestic violence shelter in San Diego where I taught a 2-hour yoga & lifestyle class last night. Because after teaching a 75 minute yoga class followed by a 45 discussion about embracing a positive mindset, a healthy diet, and most importantly, a daily fitness routine, I truly believe in each and every one of them. I know you’re reading this Ladies, so don’t forget to do your Peaceful Warriors, Temple Poses, Side Body Abs and Stretching, Chair Poses up against the Wall, and of course our favorite, Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall. Today and every day this week until I come back again next Thursday to “kick it up a notch”. Always remember to stay present with your thinking and live positively and happily, moment to moment. Because whether or not your past experiences have been negative or abusive, you never have to carry that energy with you. Let it go. And if it begins to creep into your mind and body, go outside and do some yoga and my fat burning workouts, or better yet, work on some balancing with that meditative breath I taught you – and remember to pick that point of focus and use all distractions to help you focus more. So respect yourself each and every day, especially during this long holiday weekend, and enjoy sculpting your thighs and butt today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #96 – Killer Squats II. Namaste – R
25 pounds more than a generation ago
This morning I read that for the first time since the 1960s, the United States Coast Guard has increased its estimate of average passenger weight by 25 pounds (used by ferries and charter boats to help determine how many people they can carry). With clothing and all, the typical passenger now weighs in at 185 pounds – that’s 25 pounds more than a generation ago. And this extra 25 pounds may likely be added to the Federal Transit Administration’s standard for buses, subways, light rails, etc., which is currently set at 150 pounds. I guess there’s no need to explain our nation’s weight increase, right? Because everything from poor eating habits, more expensive healthy foods, too much time watching TV and surfing the Internet, and too little physical exercise will certainly do the trick. So why not help reverse our nation’s heavier trend with a daily fitness program. Even if you won’t be traveling anytime soon! So respect yourself and have fun strengthening your chest & arm with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #63. – R
PS – Today marks my 100th blog since debuting 20 weeks ago – thanks for reading!
Little things can make a big difference
Yesterday I taught a one hour fat burning class to the children and moms living at the domestic violence shelter in San Diego. My charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation, has been teaching yoga there since last July. I especially wanted to teach the families exercises from my fat burning workouts. The moms loved it and the kids were awesome. What was most significant, though, was my interaction with one particular boy who I first met in July. I’ll call him Alex. When I first offered to shake his hand, Alex reached out with a limp hand as he cowered away. Thus, my first lesson was to teach Alex how to shake hands. “Stand tall, use a really strong grip and look me in the eyes”, I said. Which he did without hesitation. But the real test was whether or not Alex would continue with his new handshake. That’s why interacting with him yesterday was so significant. He shook my hand just like I had taught him. And I congratulated him for it. Because little things can make a big difference. So enjoy looking for the little things that can make a big difference with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #59 – Beautify Your Butt II. – R