Is luck finding you?

Thomas Jefferson, author of The Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States, once said, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” Similar to General George Washington’s belief ‘if we’re always doing’ (see blog from April 6th), luck has a way of finding us if we’re working hard at something. Like fitness.  If you workout everyday and begin to experience A) more energy, B) increased self-esteem, C) a more positive attitude toward yourself and others, or D) a healthy glow in your face, are you just lucky or is luck finding you?  Of course luck is finding you because you’re “doing”, and in the “doing” comes results.  It’s not luck.  It’s your hard work getting rewarded with the benefits of a daily fitness routine.  So keep it going with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #46 – Killer Squats – and let luck find you!

Peaceful pool of water

My yoga teacher used that phrase today in Savasana at the end of class. For those who’ve never taken a yoga class, Savasana is the final resting pose when you totally let go and experience the sensations from your practice.  It’s awesome!  It’s also that quiet surrender to your feelings and affects of the physical and mental challenges you just endured. Yoga truly helps you achieve that peaceful pool of water while wringing the body of all sorts of negative things.  Even if it’s practicing Warrior II for 5 minutes a day, pushing the body to limits that challenge your focus and your mind.  So do some yoga and get a little more peaceful.  And staying with that peaceful theme, check out my friend Molly’s Peaceful Offering – she’s amazing!  PS – she’s the beautiful blond at the beginning and the end