Combine your efforts

What’s the best way to burn fat and trim your waistline?  If you said doing 1,000 abdominal crunches, well, you’re wrong.  The answer is a bit more complex:  it takes a combination of efforts that include a positive mindset, a healthy diet and a plethora of fitness activities including anything cardiovascular, weightlifting, yoga, and of course abdominal workouts.  It certainly helps to do something core & ab related everyday – as you’re well aware of my zealous approach to a daily fitness program.  So if you haven’t already tried one of my 5 minute fat burning workouts, check out Workout #7 – Sculpt those Abs – then keep it going with a vigorous walk, swim, bike, jog or run.  Be well – R

Blast your Abs

What does it mean to Blast your Abs?  Simply put, it means to exercise and fatigue your abdominal muscles until you’re too tired to do another set.  And why Blast your Abs? Because when properly exercised strong abdominal muscles improves your breathing, posture, balance and flexibility, as well as reduces the likelihood and severity of back pain and protects against injury.  Not to mention a leaner waistline and much tighter belly.  A mere 5 minutes a day is well worth the effort – for anyone.  And with my fat burning video series workout #6, you don’t even have to get out of bed!  Enjoy your workout – R

Burn those Abs

One of the most simple exercises you can do for your core and abdominal muscles is the standing side body crunch, or as I like to call them, side-to-sides.  Workout #5 of my 5 minute fat burning video series does just that – burns your abs with several instructional and easy-to-follow sets of side-to-sides.  So if you’re looking to firm your mid-section and reduce your waistline, whether or not you already have a good core & abdominal program, consider adding these 5 minutes of core & abs to your day.  Everyday!

Michelle Obama’s got it right

There’s no question that our nation’s First Lady has got it right when she says “small changes can lead to big results”.  I strongly believe in Michelle Obama’s child obesity initiatives, and I totally concur with her push for healthier meals and more exercise, especially for anyone NOT currently on a fitness program.  As for overweight children and their role model parents, let’s get them started with a daily fitness routine that’s simple and attainable – whether or not they can afford a gym or yoga studio membership. Like my new 5 minute fat burning series on YouTube.  Each low impact workout is designed for anyone of any size, weight, age or gender.  Plus, these 5 minutes of exercise will serve to jump-start your day, strengthen your body and your mind, burn fat while getting your heart rate up, as well as lay the groundwork for your daily fitness routine.  So give it a try…and I’ll see you next time!  R


Sculpt your thighs

Who doesn’t want to burn fat and sculpt and beautify their thighs?  It’s a human thing, right, but workout #2 of my 5 minute fat burning series uses that powerful Warrior stance named after the Hindu folklore’s warrior Virabhadra.  In yoga terms, the Sanscrit for warrior is Virabhadrasana.  So get your warrior on and come sculpt those thighs!

Making Progress with a Pass-Fail Approach

About a month ago I gave my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts to a friend in New York City.  He was actually one of my “prototype” users when I was customizing the full body low-impact exercises.  Think Tony Soprano but shorter.  He’s also late 40’s with amazing abilities in the kitchen.  Albeit, his love of food has certainly helped sustain his 70 lbs. of extra weight.  And since he’s never been much of a gym person – nor would he be caught dead in a yoga studio – the 1% or 15 minutes of your life routine works great. It’s also one that anybody can complement with power walks or abdominals & stretching.  And in my friend’s case, I’ve encouraged him to take my Pass-Fail Approach.  It goes as follows:  At the end of each day you write a P or F into your calendar, P for pass if you worked out that day (15 minutes or more) and F if you did not;  at the end of 7 days you’ll grade each week with a P or F, Pass if you have more Ps than Fs, and Fail if vice versa;  and at the end of the year or 52 weeks later, if you have 26 or more Ps, you PASSED for the entire year.  Which means you worked out at least one hour a week for at least half the year – 26 hours – which is excellent if you really don’t workout.  Like my friend who says he’s making excellent progress.  Progress with his personal Pass-Fail Approach, and progress with all the challenging yoga and balancing I’ve got him doing as he gets stronger and more confident with each workout.  So take a Pass-Fail Approach and keep on progressing.  I’ll see you tomorrow – R

Point of no return

I just visited my thirty-something year old friend who was speaking about her weight when she said, “I know what it’s like to be past the point of no return”.  She spoke with such conviction about how everyone struggling with weight loss reaches a specific point of no return.   Last week I gave her my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts and stopped by today to check in on her and to drop one off for her girlfriend.  She hasn’t started the workouts, but said she would today – after much cajoling on my part. When I asked her why not, she said it was “mental”.  Actually she’s doing quite well, mentally and physically, considering she weighed 218 lbs. two years ago.  She also said her exact “point of no return” was 180 lbs, and that once she reached that point she pretty much gave up hope – and desire – of getting the weight off and skipped right past 200 until her final stop at 218.  And can you believe this adorably funny gal started college weighing 106 lbs? The good news is when she finally reached 218 she started with a well-known weight loss program that helped get her down to today’s weight of 180.  Hmmm.  I suppose now it’s the “point of return”.  Next stop 140.  So she says.  And so I believe – as long as she believes and continues to make good choices.  Because with a daily fitness program complemented by a positive mindset and positive lifestyle choices, anything is possible.  Enjoy your workout – R


Cultivate self-discipline

The topic of my horoscope today was self-discipline and how no one is born with it, but is something that must be fostered.  I believe self-discipline is something you can cultivate everyday with conscious thoughts, feelings and actions.  And since actions lead to results, than it’s best we take positive and deliberate actions on anything in our lives that will lead to positive and desired results.  In the case of physical well being, it’s therefore important to take action that will lead to a healthier, leaner and longer life.   By embracing a daily fitness program, whether it be walking, biking, weight-lifting, yoga, or any other preferred form of exercise, you’ll be cultivating self-discipline everyday in the realm of physical well being.  Which also helps strengthen your mental well being.  So if you’ve already broken that New Year’s resolution to workout every day, don’t despair.  Leave those negative thoughts behind and start your new routine today.  Because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to achieve a strong body and a clear mind?  Enjoy your workout!  R

A good hurt

I just got off the phone with my sister who’s been doing my fat burning workouts for past two weeks.  She says she loves them and after every workout she feels the burning which she eloquently calls “a good hurt”. She especially favors Thursday’s core and abdominal workout – which she usually does in addition to whatever day she’s on.  Something I highly recommend, as you can certainly tell, since I’m quite the fan of working your abs every single day!  And today she made it a family affair by having my niece (age 11) and my nephew (age 10) join her for Sunday’s workout.  They loved it too!  So if you’re looking for something the whole family can do on a rainy Sunday afternoon, well there you have it – 15 minute fat burning workouts for anyone of any size, weight, age or gender.  And I’ll see you tomorrow – R